Copy of Annual Health Event at the Donkey Dairy

To reserve your place at the event, please get your (free) tickets on our facebook event here: Hee Haw for Health Event if you don't get your tickets, bring your own chair, or you'll be sitting on the ground. On a farm. In October. Not fun. Let us know you're coming. It's free.

Saturday, October 17, 2020
Oklahoma Donkey Dairy
13150 N Peebly Rd
Luther, OK 73054
Boots, close toed shoes, and appropriate clothes to be outside all day (rain, snow, or sun) in the woods, on a farm. We will have free pictures with Santa and his Donkey, so you can dress your kids cute for Santa pics if you'd like, but don't expect them to be cute by the end of the day. It's a working farm. Dirt happens. And we free range everything, so wear your poop shoes. Don't have poop shoes? No worries, you will by the end of the day.
Free for all families with children affected by Autism, PANDAS, PANS, Autoimmune Disease, and other childhood diseases or disabilities, as well as any volunteers, donors, health practitioners, medical students, and their families. Since many of these children are immune compromised, we will not be allowing the general public to attend, unless they give a donation to the event or fall into one of the categories above. (Disclaimer: we may be taking temperatures at the gate if we spy snot. If we suspect sickness, you will not be allowed to enter for the safety of the children attending. For some of these children, a little "cold" can wreck their whole year.)
We will have a food truck with whole foods donating lunch for families.

We have some incredible speakers who will be sharing their knowledge and expertise in these fields to bring awareness to PANDAS, ASD, and other health issues in a positive, hope filled environment.


If you would like to donate to help us make this event happen, you can do so here.